Un'apparizione di superfici
by Luca PanaroArt Critic - Curator
Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, Milan. 2017

I'm honored to be featured as part of the book Un'apparizione di superfici by Art Critic and Curator Luca Panaro. The catalog is intended to be used with academic purposes at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, Milan, and it consists of a catalog of International artists such as Thomas Ruff, Daisuke Yokota, among others. The book contains an essay and commentary of the work featured, written by Mr. Panaro. It is my pleasure to be part of this project which I hope will help other future artists in their careers.
Book Review
At the threshold of the Duemila, photography seems to have finally found its true vocation," recites the fourth cover of Luca Panaro's last book, A surface appearance. Vocation that goes in the opposite direction to what is often asked, complicates years of studies and research that have seen it more as a sociological and iconographic instrument. It is this latter aspect that investigates the author, analyzing how, with the increasingly massive use of dedicated smartphones and apps, a new aesthetic is emerging characterized by a narrow and two-dimensional view. The edge of a table, the marbling of a marble slab, the detail of an object, or parts of our body. Altered colors and saturated colors, then, reinforce the abstraction to which the images approach, without losing reference to reality. They can be made with the optical counter or with a smartphone, little change because the subject is always close, decontestualized. Cultural, social, and semiotic references are of secondary importance in the face of these fragments that demand to be looked at without the glasses of history. Just take a look at the shots that every day are posted on the profiles of bloggers and igers to understand how, in this way of thinking and producing images, one can find an iconography of the present.
These premises respond to the work of the 36 authors taken into account in the second part of the book, a significant but not exhaustive selection of those who, more or less aware, over the last few years have addressed the issues just outlined:
Jessica Backhaus, Giulia Flavia Baczynski, Bjarne Bare, David Benjamin Sherry, Simone Bergantini, Ronni Campana, Gigi Cifali, Matteo Cremonesi, Louis De Belle, Giuseppe De Mattia, Izaac Enciso, Tobias Faisst, Christiane Feser, Ryoichi Fujisaki, Maxime Guyon, Nicolai Howalt, Kensuke Koike, Taisuke Koyama, Anouk Kruithof, Jessica Mallios, Giulia Marchi, Esther Mathis, Atsushi Okabe, Eileen Quinlan, Jean-Christophe Recchia, Thomas Ruff, Marco Scozzaro, Zhou Siwei, Enrico Smerilli, Michele Tagliaferri, Andrea Tesauri, Sonja Thomsen, Davide Tranchina, Maurice Van Es, Tyrone Williams, Daisuke Yokota.